SEO Tips:
Successful percentage of what?
You mean what percentage succeed? Less than 1% of online sales websites succeed……
Here are some things to think about though.
1. What are you selling? Do people want it? Is it sell-able? Can it be purchased for cheap and sold in mass quantities?
2. How will you market it? Word of mouth only gets you so far.
3. What is your marketing budget? You will need to do SEO and PPC advertising as well as viral marketing, most likely adwords etc… Adwords can get very expencive very quick, ESPECIALLY if you don’t know what you’re doing. You can’t just throw a bunch of money at it and hope to get hits.
4. Do you know a DAMNED THING about web design? If you don’t you will have to pay someone to do it for you, and will have to pay another person to do what i said above.
There are ways however to make money online.. I’ve done a lot of it myself. Affiliate programs are the biggest and easiest to figure out.
90% of the ebay stores are selling items from an affiliate program or a drop shipping company.
Do a search for “97 honda civic headlights” or something like that on Ebay, and you’ll see all kinds of crazy modified headlights and xenon bulb lights and random crap for your car… And you’ll notice that 10 people are selling the same exact headlight!!! They are NOT purchasing these items, stocking them in their bedrooms and selling them on ebay..
They sign up with that company as a drop shipper and they put an add on ebay. If it sells, they collect the money from the buyer, send it to the shipper and the shipper sends it to the purchaser, the seller on ebay collects their profit and repeats process.
That’s one way to do it.
Another way is like i said. Affiliate marketing.
Lets say that John the “dating guru” sells E-books about how to meet women in bars. You sign up as an affiliate, and you get on forums and say “WOW this JOHN guy changed my damned life! You should really really check out his book.. Here’s a link!! ”
people go to that link, and they like what they see… There are 3 ways John the dating guru will pay you.
He’ll either give you something like 10-50% of the cost of the Ebook (which by the way costs him NOTHING to reproduce since it’s a damned PDF file on john’s server), or.. John will pay you $.02 for each person who clicks on the link you spammed on the forums, or, if you have your OWN website, john may pay you for impressions, meaning, every time your website shows his banner, he has to pay you$.001 (typically its a dollar per 1k impressions)
if you have 10 or 20 affiliate programs going, are decently good with adwords, etc, you can create mini sites or landing pages that link to these affiliates, and you get paid when people visit them. Adwords can very easily eat up 130% of your profit though if you don’t know what you’re doing..
I’ll give you a little tip… 90% of the links you see on yahoo right now about random things – in fact i’m almost positive there will be 2 or 3 HERE by the time i send this….. – are affiliate programs, and these guys get paid when someone clicks the link or buys the products.
Actually, honestly, most of them aren’t even real people. The people who REALLY got it down, have software which goes and auto-posts junk on here, which is why they don’t always make sense to the question asked.
Anyway, i made 4 -10k per month every month for a year doing this IN MY SPARE TIME, and worked a 40 hour a week job with a photography studio, and did my own freelance stuff on the weekends…
1.. I am a web designer and developer
2. I know how to use adwords correctly
can you learn? Hell yeah…..
Will you have what it takes to do it?
I dont know… You need the patience and the ability to research, investigate, read read read study read more study, learn, and get REALLY damned frustrated without giving up, and also you need the ability to waste about 2k while you learn how to do this correctly…
Good luck in your ventures